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Event Series Event Series: Joint Legion/VFW Meeting
  • Just a reminder that we have a very important Legion/VFW meeting this coming Thursday Feb. 13 at the Community Center.  We are going to have pizza and refreshment from 6:30p.m. to 7:00 p.m. with the meeting starting right at 7:00 p.m.  We need to discuss March events and an update on the American Legion as a Department and discuss upcoming elections for both VFW and Legion Officers.
  • At 7:45 we will dismiss VFW members, but all Legion members will remain for an American Legion Post 44 Inc. annual meeting.  This is a very important meeting as we need to look at just why the corporation exists and its history.  We really need to discuss having the corporation separate from the Post and just incorporating the Post to protect Post officers and members.
  • We also need membership approval of the action taken by the corporation executive committee in March to donate $25,000 to The Veterans Center.  SO PLEASE LETS HAVE A GOOD TURN OUT FOR THIS.
  • Agenda will be sent out February 12th.
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